
CAD in schools

 Computer Aided Design - Overview

Computer Aided Design (CAD) methods are tools to enable the design process. CAD tools can support designing and making activities in combination with other methods of modelling ideas, such as drawing and prototyping.

In design and technology education, it is important that CAD and CAM is seen as a tool to use in combination with other modelling and making activities. In addition to this, CAD has much more to offer in developing and reinforcing skills across the school curriculum.

CAD using in schools enables pupils to engage with different strategies available to model a product/part, etc. The implications surrounding this include the time it takes to model, the software/program (school licences and costs) and the ease of use for CAD users.

The following is an extract taken from the ‘CAD/CAM in schools’ website, which here outlines why CAD/CAM in schools is used and why this scheme is important.

“The overall aims of the CAD/CAM in Schools programme are:
  • To ensure all secondary schools in the UK have access to CAD/CAM
  • In English schools, the scheme seeks to provide support for the teaching of CAD/CAM at Key Stage 3 and beyond
  • To use software provided by PTC, Delcam and Speed Step to enhance and develop the use of CAD/CAM in the design and technology curriculum
  • To ensure all teachers using the software with students are adequately trained in both the use of the software and the appropriate curriculum applications
  • To ensure all students can make maximum use of the software, including at home
  • To provide an effective scheme which is well communicated to all parties
  • To develop industrial links with companies which will provide realistic contacts for schools.”

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